Grafico de Visualizacion General del Mercado
The Grafico de Visualizacion General del Mercado shows an overall long-term historical view of the market based upon last traded price. This enables you to see at a glance the price history for either the entire market, or just those selections you specify. By default the Grafico de Visualizacion General del Mercado is switched off. You can enable by selecting Grafico de Visualizacion General del Mercado from the Menu principal de la Barra de Informacion. To switch whether a selection displays on the graph, click on its name in the legend. To change the colour of a selection, click on its colour in the legend.

By right clicking anywhere in the window it brings up the various options for the Grafico de Visualizacion General del Mercado.

  • Leyenda - Various settings for configuring the Leyenda.

    • Localización - Allows you to change the location of the Leyenda relative to the graph to either Izquierda, Derecha, Arriba, Fondo or No. {NB When the Leyenda is off, runner configuration can be altered via additional options in the right click menu.}

    • Ordenar Dirección - When you first open the market, the runners are sorted by last traded price. Changing this value will determine the display order in the Leyenda.

    • Tamaño de Fuente - The font size of the selection names.

    • Color de fondo - Sets the background colour of the Leyenda.

    • Color del texto - Sets the text colour of the Leyenda.

  • Rango del gráfico (en segundos) - Sets the time period in seconds that you wish the chart to cover.

  • Tasa de Muestra (segundos) - Sets the rate at which the chart is updated. By default this is 1 second, which is adequate for most set-ups.
  • Warning: The charts are very processor intensive. Should you turn the refresh rate up too much on some lower spec systems, this may impact application responsiveness.

  • Autoencogerse - When checked this will cause the graphs Y Axis to auto shrink to the information contained within.

  • Esquema de colores - Allows you to set the chart to a factory set colour scheme.

  • Fondo del gráfico - Allows you to set the colours & gradient for the chart background.

  • Fondo Exterior - Should your Price Labels be outside of the graph, this allows you to set the colours & gradient for the labels background.

  • Grid Horizontal - Options for the Y Axis grid lines

    • Color - Grid line colour.

    • Líneas máximas - Maximum grid lines to show on the graph.

    • Tipo de línea - No, $Light Dash, $Heavy Dash, Solido.

  • Etiquetas - Options for the Y-Axis Labels

    • Color - Label text colour.

    • Localización - Which side of the chart the labels display. No, Izquierda, Derecha or Ambos.

    • Tamaño de Fuente - The font size of the labels.

    • Tipo de fuente - Negrita / Regular / Itálica

    • Etiquetas Interior - Set whether the labels display inside or outside the graph.

  • Grosor de línea - The thickness in pixels of the selection lines on the chart.

  • Mostrar número selecciones… - Show only the top n selections in the chart. As well as adjusting the current market, when set future markets will open based on this setting.

  • Various Runners / Selections - When the legend is switched off, the selections will appear in the menu allowing you to set its colour / activity on the graph.